Artificial Intelligence (AI)
IPS has embarked on Artificial Intelligence related projects through strategic partnership with a trusted and an established party.
IPS has been focusing its AI activities in developing solutions for the vertical markets such as military, utility and healthcare, especially. The products have excellent track records and list of established customers to its honor .
Our World Class, Locally Developed and Owned AI engine is highly efficient, stable and powerful due to its unique neural based design.

Neurabase Unique Features & Benefits
A few of the salient points about our AI engine are:
The AI, namely, Neurabase, is uniquely designed as an AI engine that uses "one algorithm" for a range of diverse computing & AI problem applications. Thus, interoperability will not be an issue, as there have been in organizations with many legacy systems installed.
Its brilliant "one algorithm" design also features least processing power required and is highly scalable resulting in lower operational cost.
The only neural network that can recall what it has learnt.
Harvard Medical School Project 2008
We had successfully completed the world’s first cancer genome project that processed DNA mapping, sequencing and analyzing involving about 3 Billion neurons. We were then the only company able to perform such tasks within the stipulated period.
In facts, we have successfully completed AI projects with a few established local organizations too such as Sime Darby, MOSTI and others.
Based on our track record, we wish to engage with organizations that have national interests especially, in sharing our unique AI products, its capabilities and our philosophy of knowledge transfer.
A Strategic Partner
IPS is the strategic partner of Neuramatix Sdn Bhd. We are responsible for its Neurabase market development efforts whilsts Neuramatix is a product house that focuses on research & development.
Proponent of Self Sustainability
We are a proponent of Self Sustainability, thus adequate training programs can be designed and developed for users even up to Lab Level. You will be in total control of the AI applications.
Explore Possibilities
IPS aspire to share our knowledge and experience in ways that will bring many benefits to you, specifically, the nation, at large.
Please call Ruzlan Mohd Noor, Director of Market Development at +6019 774 8225 on any queries.